Dallas ATD Career Development SIG
Hosted by Laurie Barnett
Job Search and Weight Loss: Similar or Different?
Monday, August 24, 2015
Facilitator: Jim Davidson
Where: SMU in Plano
5236 Tennyson Parkway
Building 4, Room 107
Plano, TX 75024
Time: 6:30-8:00pm
Over a number of years, I put on weight until a friend from California came to visit and he was 50 lbs. lighter. It was only then that I looked at myself. What was I going to do?
Searching for that next best work is similar to my approach to weight loss. It takes some honest analysis of where you are today. It takes a goal, and it takes discipline to reach that goal.
We all know the long term benefits of weight loss but we find it hard to stick to it. Even more so after the weight is off. Then we have to maintain. After we find a new job, do we keep going with our job search activities? We should!
Losing weight isn’t easy; finding your next best work isn’t either. That is what we will explore in this session.
About the facilitator:
Originally from Scotland, with many years of experience working in different parts of the world, my accent is often confused. My past work has been in Operations, then Human Resources, Career Management and now Executive Coaching. Seeing hiring from the Human Resource perspective and also the Career Management perspective, I have some insights on how job search should be conducted to be successful.
Practicing what I teach, I have not applied for a job in almost 30 years! My work with hundreds of clients over the last 14 years has helped me predict who will be successful in their search and who will not. There is no magic formula. I help individuals build their self-awareness and self-confidence and accept responsibility for their own growth, change in behaviors, and ongoing success.
*You are welcome to arrive at 6:15pm to network and get settled prior to the meeting start.
Who: All members of Dallas ATD are welcome to attend any SIG any time. All non-members, please feel free to join us for up to 2 sessions at a SIG. After 2 sessions, to provide ongoing chapter support to the SIG, you will be expected to join Dallas ASTD by paying the annual dues of $115. Questions? Contact 972.233.9107 ext. 224 or email info@tddallas.org.